消費税について英語で討論する – Pros and Cons of Consumption tax




The consumption tax rate in Japan in 2021 is 10%. Foods and beverages are subject to the reduced tax rate of 8%. Japan’s consumption tax rose from 8% to 10% in October in 2019.


※ 実際には、食料のテイクアウトとイートイン、また一般飲料とアルコールドリンクの税率は異なりますが、ここでは海外でも使われている簡単な文で紹介しました。Foods, beveragesは、複数アイテムという意味で加算名詞の複数形を使っています。

Pros – 消費税の利点



An increase in consumption tax would increase the overall tax base. People are taxed whenever they make a purchase including most food, services etc…. This could help to strengthen some revenue shortfalls.


It could reduce the national debt or help deficit budgets. In Japan revenue from consumption tax is considered to help support the social security system.



The government can collect taxes more equally from everyone because consumption tax is difficult to evade paying as it is paid when using/consuming goods or services.


People of working age support the elderly by paying income tax and corporate tax. However, as consumption tax is paid by all it can reduce the disparity of the tax burden between generations.


While progressive taxation may discourage people from working harder and acquiring higher income, consumption tax does not discourage people in the same way because everyone has to pay it.


※ progressive taxation 累進課税 (収入の多い人や遺産の多い人ほどより高い割合の所得税や相続税が課されるしくみのこと)

Consumption tax could be used to discourage use of harmful products, for example by increasing the tax rate on cigarettes. This money could be used for the care of those who suffer ill-health from smoking.


Even children are not exempt from paying consumption tax. They can learn the mechanism and significance of taxes, as they confront the reality that taxes are imposed on everyone. The Japanese constitution stipulates paying tax as a duty, regardless of age.


Cons – 消費税の問題点


Consumption tax is unfair to the poor because they feel the burden more than the rich. In this way it cannot be perceived as being “equal”, as it can mean the difference between starving and not for some.


Consumption tax can also increase the burden for people who live on fixed income such as retirees and pensioners.


After a consumption tax is introduced or the rate of it is raised, the economy experiences a downturn in consumption in general as people tend to forgo usual consumption habits. Japan’s consumption tax rose from 8% to 10% in October in 2019, and GDP dropped for the first time in five quarters in the October-December period due to the consumption tax raise.


Some people are hesitant to purchase goods and services due to the unavoidable burden of consumption tax, which is frequently invoked as a reason that they are less likely to obtain costly merchandise and potentially stall the economy.


When a consumption tax increase has been determined in the Diet, those who run small-and-medium-sized businesses, including restaurants and retail stores, often perceive it as disadvantageous. This is because a subsequent downturn in consumer spending would have a more profound impact on them, as larger businesses are often better placed to absorb the shock of a drop in spending.


