LGBT問題について英語で討論するNo.1 – Pros and Cons of Making Same-Sex Marriage Legal

 LGBT問題は世界が向き合っている課題であり、学校や資格試験のエッセイ課題としてもよく出題されています。当記事では、LGBT問題シリーズ第1回、同性婚の合法化についてのエッセイ課題 – 「What are the pros and cons of legalizing same-sex marriage?」を題材に、利点と欠点について英語で意見を述べるときのサンプルセンテンスをご紹介しています。

同性婚の合法化の利点 – Pros of legalizing same-sex marriage


One advantage of making same-sex marriage legal is that there will be more potential opportunities for wedding industries.

One benefit of legalizing marriage to people of the same gender is the creation of diversity in society.
The legalization of marriage between same-sex couples enables them to get legal benefits such as a tax deduction both for their spouses and inheritance.

One positive regarding allowing same-sex couples to get married is if they have children, it enables couples to have parental rights.
One advantage with regard to legalizing same-sex partnerships is when partners are not from the same country. By being allowed to marry, the non-native partner can stay in the country. An American, for example, would be able to get a spousal visa, so the partners could stay in Japan legally if they lost their working or study visas. This is just one advantage of legalizing same-sex marriage.

Legalizing marriage to people of the same gender can benefit the couple if one were to get seriously ill or injured. When the partner who suffers from a serious illness is hospitalized he or she could now be taken care of legally by their husband or wife. This is one of many benefits of having a marriage certificate.

同性婚の合法化の問題点 – Cons of legalizing same-sex marriage



However, one of the disadvantages of legalizing same-sex marriage is that the couples aren’t able to produce offspring biologically.

Same-sex marriage could potentially break up the values of a Japanese traditional marriage.

However, one of the downsides to allowing marriage between people of the same gender is that it could be viewed as “unnatural”.

A possible result of legalizing same-sex marriage is the potential rise in the number of test tube babies.



(NG) One of the advantages of allowing same-sex marriage is that the couple will have a happy life.

 上記のセンテンスにはロジックエラーがあります。下線部の”the couple will have a happy life” = 「カップルが幸せな生活を送る」の部分が問題点です。同性婚の合法化においては具体的ないい点、避けられない問題点がありますが、「全員が幸せになる」とは言い切れないからです。


One of the advantages of allowing same-sex marriage is that it could relieve potential difficulties that can arise from not being married.
