Population Controlについて英語で討論する – 英文エッセイに使える例文集

英語便(https://www.eigobin.com/)講師 Brandon Pickhardt

 当記事では、Population control「人口増加のコントロール」について英語で討論するときのサンプルセンテンスをご紹介しています。今回のサンプルは、英語便スタンダードコースの英検1級練習問題として提供している以下の質問に回答するエッセイで使える英文を提供しています。

問題 :
Agree or disagree: Governments should be able to pass laws regarding population control.

賛成 または 反対 : 政府は人口増加のコントロールを可能とする法を通すべきである。

 ※ 内容は2021年5月時点の統計や各国の政策をもとに執筆しています。数値や法の名前は最新の情報に置き換えて使うようにしてください。

Agree – 人口増加のコントロールを合法化をすべき

Placing legal limits on family size is the most effective means of preventing unchecked population growth. Large populations put a huge strain on a region’s resources and environment. In order to protect future generations from environmental collapse, famine, and resource scarcity, governments should enact laws similar to China’s three-child policy.


Although there is no evidence of connection between economic growth and population countries like Japan, Spain, and Russia are considered to be facing economic challenges caused by low birth rates and decreasing populations. Governments cannot force people to have children, but they can incentivize childbirth. Public daycares, mandatory paternity leave, and tax breaks for parents can ensure a sustainable population by making larger families more attractive.


Direct interference with an individual’s right to reproduce is a serious moral issue. However, governments can encourage smaller families with financial aid programs. Free university tuition or other financial aid for only the first child would make single-child families ideal. Couples could still freely have more children if they are willing to raise them without extra government assistance.


Disagree – 人口増加のコントロールを合法化をすべきではない

Laws that regulate having children are a human rights violation. Like other living creatures, human beings have a biological drive to reproduce which makes procreation a fundamental right. Governments have no place interfering with an individual’s choice to have or not have children.


Rather than regulating reproduction, governments can slow population growth indirectly by raising the status of women. Birth rates are lower in regions where women have greater access to education, equal employment opportunities, and active roles in their societies. Kerala, for example, has higher gender equality and the least population growth in India. When women have more autonomy, they often choose to have fewer children.


Countries which are struggling with overpopulation should look to diplomacy as a solution instead of taking away their citizens’ reproductive rights. These countries should seek out immigration agreements with places like Japan and Russia where labor shortages are an issue. Both governments could offer language courses, financial assistance, and cultural education to help immigrants.


The harmful effects of laws that limit childbirth outweigh any population control benefits. In Romania, the Ceausescu government sought to increase the population by banning abortions and divorce in the 1960s. However, this only increased child abandonment and raised the number of children in orphanages.


While governments should not infringe on an individual’s right to reproduce, they can and should combat overpopulation by improving access to birth control and family planning education. These measures slow population growth by reducing unplanned pregnancies and promoting smaller families.


以上、Population controlについて意見を述べるサンプルをご紹介しました。参考にして自分の意見をまとめてみてください。