英語日記 – ライティングの視点を変える3つのヒント

 英文日記を毎日書くことは英語の上達に大変役立ちます。しかし、なかなか毎日は続けられないと思います。2018年4月に英語便で実施した日記イベント「Days in a Life」期間中にも、「日記を書きたいけれど、題材がなくていまひとつモチベーションが上がらない」というメンバーの悩みが寄せられました。


ヒント1 – 「tangents」を意識する

 まずはじめに「tangents」について話したいと思います。「tangents」とは何でしょうか? 「タンジェントって数学用語だよね?」と思っている人も多いと思います。 A tangent is a point nearly unrelated to the main topic, but having a point in common with it. つまり「メイントピックからは少々ずれているけれど共通点があるもの」という意味です。以下の日記を見てください。

Today I met up with Razi to study together. We always go to Starbucks on a Tuesday evening to study grammar. I met Razi three years ago at a yoga class in Shinjuku. He was the only other English speaker and he spent the whole class whispering translations of the teacher’s instructions to me so I could follow the class. We’ve been friends ever since. Anyway, at Starbucks we …

 上記の下線部分が「tangent」 です。日記のメイントピックは文法を学習することですが、Raziの話にシフトしています。もうひとつ見てみましょう。

I went to the Wired Cafe in Ueno to meet up with a friend today. They were twenty minutes late because they couldn’t find it! I felt really bad for picking a place that was so hard to find. I really like the Wired Cafe in Shinjuku though – it has big windows that look out over the city and they don’t mind if you stay and study or work for a long time. I remember the first time I went there with my friend Deej …



はじめてここ(レストラン、公園など)に来たのはいつか?その時はどんな感じだったか? どうしてまた訪れたのか?
初めてそれを行った、習ったのはいつだったか? 誰が教えてくれたのか? どのくらい時間かかったか? どうして続けてきたのか?

 ほかにもいろいろ想像力を働かせてみましょう。 そして、日記にコンテキスト(文脈)を加えてみましょう。日記がもっと面白くなりますし、違う文法やボキャブラリーを使うきっかけになります。

ヒント2 – 目に入ったものを観察する


I was going to work as usual this morning when a man got onto the train with the cutest dog I have ever seen! It was the size of a small kitten, and it didn’t bark even once. It’s owner picked it up because the train was pretty crowded, but it wasn’t afraid at all! They got off the train the station before me, but it really made my morning!
When I got off the train at my stop, there was a big crowd of tourists on the platform waiting to get on. I think they were from America, but I’m not sure because I’m not very good at telling the difference between English accents. Some of them were wearing shorts even though it’s pretty cold outside today! They seemed really excited and happy to be here. I hope they enjoy their trip!


ヒント3 – 面白いと感じることは何でも書く


I went to class today in the morning, then I went home and spent two hours studying. I tried to make Korean bibimbap, but it wasn’t as good as the version my local Korean restaurant makes. They always serve it in a stone bowl that’s really hot – too hot to touch, and it comes with a lovely clear soup. I think I’ll try again at the weekend.


Have fun!


Have fun! This is the best advice I can give ^^
