リモートワークのAdvantageとDisadvantage – 英文エッセイに使える例文集


Remote Work とTelecommuting (Telework)

 まず、簡単に用語を説明します。Remote WorkとTelecommuting ではどちらが英語圏でよく使われていますか?といったご質問がよくありますが、実際はどちらも使われており、相互に入れ替えて使うことも可能です。しかし、厳密には以下のような意味の違いがあります。
Remote Work – 「従業員が遠くに居るという意味」で 出張などで一時的に遠くで仕事をしている状態から、固定的に在宅で働いている状態までを含みます。
Telecommuting – “Telework” (テレワーク)という言い方もあります。通常はオフィスで勤務している人が在宅でオンラインで働くことを指すことが多いと思います。しかし実際には通勤しない在宅ワーカーに対しても幅広く使われています。
※ 企業による使い方の違いもありますので、注意してください。

Remote Workの利点 – Advantage


1. スケジュールの柔軟性

One of the main advantages of working from home is that you have flexibility with your schedule. 

Having a flexible schedule is particularly beneficial for workers who have children to take care of.

Working from home can provide more opportunities for family bonding.


Recent research shows that employees’ productivity has been shown to increase drastically when they work from home. Home offices aren’t nearly as distracting as company offices.

Working remotely allows you to focus on the job at hand without the distractions of office chat.


One benefit of working from home is that you save money on commuting to the workplace.

Of course, this is certainly useful if you live far away from the office. A thirty-mile commute, for example, could cost up to 40,000 yen per month. Companies don’t usually cover full commuting expenses.

Remote workers can save about 400 thousand yen a year by working from home, according to a study conducted by ABC newspaper. That comes from saving on commuting costs as well as spending on coffee, lunch and clothing.

Remote Workの欠点 – Disadvantage


1. 運動不足

One of the most significant detriments working from home is the lack of physical exercise. Without having to actually go anywhere to work, there is a tendency for people to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

An example of this would be sitting in front of a computer screen all day. This could have a negative effect on a person’s health.

2. 孤立感

You can easily interact with coworkers and clients via technology but it’s not the same as face-to-face communication, having lunch together or making small talk. Remote workers often feel isolated.

Working remotely can also negatively affect a person’s confidence if they have recently joined a company. The lack of support could make those people feel lost or redundant as they might not fully understand what to do.

3. モチベーションの低下

Motivation can be difficult to maintain. There can be a lot of distractions around the house such as a games console, a TV, books, and social network sites. Keeping motivated during this time can be a problem for a number of people in contrast to being in the office where a person’s main focus is work.

For managers, it’s difficult to manage remote employees. It is hard to anticipate the challenges their remote employees will face.

It is important for managers to help remote workers feel like they’re truly part of the team.