Recommendations for Summer Reading 2023 – 英語便講師のおすすめ作品

 夏休みに読書や映画を楽しむ人は多いと思います。当記事では、英語便講師が最近気に入っている本や映画についてのおすすめコメントをご紹介させていただきます。当記事のタイトルはSummer Readとなっていますが、映画やテレビプログラムが含まれている点どうかご容赦ください。

Strange weather in Tokyo (書籍)

イギリス在住Chris講師 からのおすすめです。

Strange weather in Tokyo Strange weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami

I read this book in translation – the original Japanese title is センセイの鞄. I really enjoyed this story. It’s kind of a love story but at the same time just a ‘reflection on life’ type of novel. Nothing much happens but I like that. It’s very subtle. What is not said is just as important as what is said and of course, it’s a great title! It would probably be quite challenging to read in English but would be much easier if you read the Japanese version first. Alternatively, you could read some sections of it – the conversations between the main characters are fairly simple to follow. There is also an audiobook version.

説明 川上 弘美の小説「センセイの鞄」の英語版です。Amazon Japanでも購入できるようになっています。

Extraction 2 (Netflix番組)


Extraction 2

Chris Hemsworth is a huge star and was ‘Thor’ in the Marvel Movies. But, he also starred in an action film a few years ago called ‘Extraction’. The sequel just came out on Netflix and is an absolutely amazing action film. It’s full of unbelievable sequences and some very exciting stunts. It’s also beautiful to watch as the cinematography is fantastic. If you love crazy, over the top action films, you should check it out!

説明 Extraction 2 はNetflixの番組ですが、2023年7月現在、Amazonプライムビデオ(有料)でも視聴できるようです。Stu講師はハリウッドの仕事も請け負っており、実は数本の映画にスタントで出演もしています。Extracrion 2のほか、同じくNetflixの「Muscles & Mayhem」と 「Full Swing」もお勧めということです。

The Little Mermaid (映画)


The Little Mermaid

Another timeless story is “The Little Mermaid.” The enchanting tale of “The Little Mermaid” has captivated hearts for generations, and receives a stunning revitalization that will leave audiences of all ages spellbound. “The Little Mermaid” (Danish: Den lille havfrue) is a literary fairy tale written by the Danish author Hans Christian Anderson first published in 1837 as part of a collection of fairy tales for children. The story follows the journey of a young mermaid who is willing to give up her life in the sea as a mermaid to gain a human soul. The question remains is it a tragic story with a happy ending. In Japan, during the period of June 9-11, 2023, the new Little Mermaid movie debuted as number one at the box office with a recorded 461,000 moviegoers and a box office revenue of 712 million yen over that weekend. The vibrant colors and movement make it another family-friendly movie and entertaining for English learners.

説明 The Little Mermaidには実写、アニメ含め複数映画作品が存在します。最新版The Little Mermaidは2023年7月現在、映画館で上映中です。上映日程については最寄りの映画館へお問合せください。Ruth講師の他のおすすめ映画に「Wonder Woman 1984」もあります。

Ted Lasso (Apple TV番組)


Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso is an American sports comedy drama-television. It’s light and fun, with senses of humor. Ted Lasso may have ended after its third season.

説明 Tedrasso はアメリカの人気TV番組です。2023年7月現在では、全シーズンを視聴するにはApple TVに加入する必要があります。同じ制作陣により作成されたApple TVの番組Shrinkingも併せておすすめということです。

